Wednesday, January 13, 2010



  1. I know this tank, I will have to find out who has done the great work, in fact I might take me Graphics students there for a look.

  2. shit i had a spit second 'how did she get my photos' paranoid conniption before the 5th photo was definitely not one of mine.....

    i went and played guitar there the other night, the reverb is amazing , took a few shots almost identical to yours but with a flash after dark.

    you know michelle the anonymity of the artist and the location is part of the magic... best let the wanders, explorers find it..... subversive lurker types n all

  3. True, just interested in getting some input into the education system. I would love to do a workshop with some of these guys, not to blow their cover, but just to share some skills. I suspect that quite a few of the local graffitti artists go through the Graphics program anyway. I know that one of my students last year was doing some nice stencilling around town and I have protected his/her anonymity.

  4. Seashell and Boy wonder ... friday the 13th. Lets dance in the tanks!
