Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goodbye To All That

The Disaster Puppy has returned to his original owner, because as I was reminded recently; "He's not my dog."


  1. Yes ... I still get visits but he doesn't get to go fishin no more.
    Actually, I've been offline for a week or so due to him crawling under the house and eating my phone cable.

  2. It's quite possible that dog might come back on it's own accord yet, once a sea dog ever a sea dog no?

  3. Plenty more dogs in the sea, Sarah...

  4. He wants to come back Merc. We'll see.

  5. Sorry but I reckon your ex is a wanker and I would have told him to fuck off, I'm keeping the dog! You can't do stuff like that if you have relinquished your responsibility.

  6. Mmmm, thanks Michelle. The thing is, he is Stormboy's dog and Stormboy has gone to live with his Dad ... so it's complicated.

  7. Really, well yes, I get it. Wow, no kids??

  8. No, no kids either. Just me, Bobcat and five chickens, all wondering what's hit us!

  9. Plenty more words and pictures to look forward to then. Good for us..

  10. It might be challenging for you ST, but I reckon when you get over it you will taste a different freedom. My partner loves his kids, but was really OK with seeing them go. I guess Stormboy is a bit younger though..... but you will still see him no doubt.

  11. aw that sucks , my little mutt was in the care of the Mooney oyster farmers before he found me , one day while at a mates place I couldn't find him , after a frantic search we found him on the bow of my mates tinnie ( on a trailer ) in the backyard , I often wonder what he remembered

  12. I want to see a new Salt. A young one with a long unruly tongue and a tail that just can't make sense of anything. I want to see him at the front of the boat wondering what on earth a pelican might be, why fish are both slimy and crunchy, what he thinks you're doing when you pull the chord on the outboard and when the hell he's gonna get back on terra firma again. Go on, you'd love a puppy wouldn't you...

  13. I am going to get another dog, next year. My present situation of too many road trains and not enough fences is not good for wayward puppies.
