Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Robin in the tools

There are two breeding pairs of red robins that flitter and flirt around the house. Yesterday I lit a fire outside and sat beside it, reading. This guy perched on the axe handle buzzed me several times. Maybe he was after insects stirred up by the smoke? He is a such a joy to watch. Sometimes I will plunge my hands into the warm washing up water, look up and there he is, sitting on the shovel handle like a lucky wish.


  1. Your robins are very different to ours. They usually nest in my workshop and I have to be careful not to tread on the newly hatched chicks before they leave. They sit there, just staring at me. I say, "What's the matter? Have you never seen a human being before?" then realise they haven't.

    1. Do they have red? We have yellow ones here too.

    2. A rusty red breast but not a black head. Yellow? Are you sure they aren't canaries?!

  2. Just lovely. Love watching the birds that visit our half wine barrel bird bath for swims and drinks.

  3. Our robins are called robin redbreast. That is because they have red breasts. We do not have robin yellowbreasts.
