Friday, January 5, 2024

Southern Cross neck tattoos

 So ... after numerous mechanics I know giving me *that look* about the oil light and the inevitable bang bang bang demise of Queen Ben, I began to feel like I was in the docks for manslaughter. Please see the previous post if you need some context.

Tonight I went to Brownie's bush camp with some corned beef wrapped in alfoil. *That look* has been banished to the dark days of New Years Eve for him because I'm now the proud owner of a Toyota land bruiser and apparently, these old utes excite young nostalgists, old rev heads and pragmatic farmers alike.

And this is where my post takes a sideways lurch. I drove the tractor beast home and was walking around my new car, checking out the decals that previous owners had stuck on the ducco. 

'This one's gotta go,' I said to my sister.

'Oh, just put a swastika in the middle of it and she'll be right,' she said, laughing.

Her words burned. It's something I've been thinking about for years. When did the Southern Cross become an emblem for white nationalists and racism in Australia? It's always been an abstract thing for me until I bought this car, with Southern Cross decals on both sides of the rear pillars like some kind of statement.

The Southern Cross in our southern hemisphere skies makes up the head of the dark emu and further stars outline the body of the emu. Her body is literally delineated by stars. Once you've seen it in the night skies, you can never unsee the dark emu. 

So now, I've bought a car with this emblem stickered all over it, but it is meaning something quite different to a wonder of old knowledge and seasonal change. It's meaning 'Fuck Off We're Full' and 'White Power'. 

Maybe it began with Cronulla, maybe it began with the internet, I have no idea. The appropriation of the Southern Cross by right wing organisations in Australia is something I'm curious about.

In the meantime, I've just murdered Queen Ben and perhaps that is more pressing. She's sitting where I towed her a few days ago, waiting to be resurrected or wrecked, piece by piece.

* And Selkie! She's still on three legs but recovering after her encounter with that boar at Pig Bay.


  1. Sturdy looking car. I've just bought another Volvo. No decals though. I have a friend with the same model and he used to stick things like the Confederate flag and pro Trump slogans on it, then his private road was closed and he had to park it on the street. He removed the lot - coward.

  2. Re Volvos 'They're boxy but they're good.'
    God, those old friends ...

  3. Hi Tom, just had a look at yours and Rachel's posts. Re Rachel's comment that I may have a word to say ... no you are so not racist against Australians (well maybe just the blokes, not sure). I'm having real problems replying in the comments section, have been for months. I blame Oz Goggle, so apologies for not being able to comment on your posts. X Sarah

  4. Damn. Racists and rednecks are everywhere. I thought it was just us.

  5. They ARE everywhere, Jennifer! It's the subtle signals and car decals that get me down.
