Saturday, December 13, 2014

I found a man!

I found a man!
Who lies quietly and lets me wriggle into desire. I found a man who lifts the cat off my bed and gently throws her aside. Who eats me from inside out and brings me gifts of wood, books, feathers and stone.
I found a man!
Who drives me across non-existent highways and canoes me into caves. I found a man whose body and knowledge feels out his boodja. Who hands me a cardboard box full of bees and says, 'Don't open it. Just listen.'
I found a man!
Who takes me up the mountain and shows me his secrets. I found a man whose small silver bowl of stones, wood and fungi is his shrine to me. Who drives me towards Black Mountain as the lightning forks all around us.
I found a man!
Who, when his wife rings, turns off his phone and places it carefully on the bed linen. I found a man whose eyes change from brown to green to impervious. Who says 'You are my best friend'. Who loves me. Who avoids me in public spaces. Who knows everything about me.
I found a man!