Friday, June 28, 2024


Hiya bloggers. My Auntie recently asked me what the hell is going on with A WineDark Sea, because I haven't posted anything since February fire tower days earlier this year. I'm very aware that this kind of 'sorry I haven't posted for a while' can be the death rattle for many blogs. Not the case here. I've been taking a break because I haven't had many funny or entertaining stories to tell in a season when West Australians have had the driest summer on written record. We've had mass tree deaths and water carting politics going on between towns. On one day, most of the schools in the south west were shut down due to fire risk. During this period, I haven't felt able to contribute in any kind of meaningful way to the blogosphere and it was my Auntie who finally bailed me up about it last week. (Thanks Auntie!)

So, yes I'm going to write about this period. Maybe it's important to document this time of the anthropocene. It's raining now. Sheets of rain have been hammering us all day. The swans have left the inlet ('They didn't even leave a note!' said my Mum).


  1. I thought you had been frustrated by not being able to comment problems and just sort of gave up. I did wonder sometimes if you were reading about my university experiences seeing as they are on the student side of the fence in parallel to yours on the teaching side.

  2. I did comment but it seems to have gone into spam.

  3. Yes blogger comments can be weird at times but I see you here Rachel.

  4. Fuck blogger. Do you reckon auntie could sort 'em out Sarah?

  5. I've just gone into comments and found your older ones Rachel. Hopefully that won't happen again, sorry!
