Sunday, June 17, 2012



  1. That is just so gorgeous. Love the chimney and the copper. Is it still in use?What a shame building regulations don't let people in this country express themselves through building their homes like this.

  2. That shack is one of my favourites. It must be my shack because my initials are hanging from the veranda pole!

  3. Bloody great photos. I love those beach and sand shots from a few days ago. They look like you set them up, that frozen in time feel. I'm in the market for a new camera. I'm ready to move on from my Panasonic point and shoot. I'm looking for a better quality image but still a pretty simple camera. What are you using?

  4. Ahem, my mobile phone, Mr Hat! I keep forgetting to take out my real camera to the inlet. That is a lovely camera though, Olympus slr, very nice, nothing too complicated.
    I like using the phone camera for water shots; less pixels do something interesting with that sort of 'frozen' look that you speak of.

  5. That's not fair. How can a mobile phone take such great pics? Which Olympus do you use? I was looking at the Fuji x100 because I like dials to set shutter speeed and aperture. I get lost in the touch screen and screen based settings. Fuji has those too but you can minimise the need to go there. Maybe technology has moved so fast that what was my Panasonic point and shoot six years ago is now completely transformed.

  6. The mobile phone camera only works with some shots. My camera is an Olympus sp600uz. It's not bad. I'm still working it all out and I'm with you on the dials thing. My last SLR camera used real film and dials that I understood. I only gave up on it recently because I kept running out of film, going to some out of the way general store where the shopkeeper would say "Oh, I think we have some old stock out the back' and selling me 12 exposures for about ten bucks. It got way, way too expensive once I'd processed them all. But the images are better ... sad to say. Digital flattens everything out and something is lost. Some kind of roughness. Like Bob Marley on vinyl as compared to a CD, maybe.
