Sunday, December 29, 2019

Quail morning

Before work yesterday morning, sitting on a leaf-strewn veranda, I could hear rustles in the undergrowth. Selkie was inside as I sipped at my coffee. It was a quail, scratching around for bugs. They are very shy and the only time I see them is when the hound flushes them out. So this sighting was a treat. I sat very still and the ... oh my heart ... three tawny chicks followed her, all in a line like ducklings. She was teaching them how to forage.


  1. Quail are so cute, we have several varieties here in New Mexico, and I sometimes see families while walking in the foothills. One of my friends works for Wildlife Rescue here and sometimes has a full box of "popcorns" which is what she calls the tiny ones. :-)

  2. They are so cute. It is unfortunate that they are so tasty too.

  3. So lovely. A mother quail and 2 or 3 babies ran across OB road in front of me yesterday. So glad it was me they ran in front of because I always look out for wildlife and I braked as usual. Dear little things. God knows how they survive in amongst human activity, especially during the silly season.

    1. I nearly took out a whole family of emus at Crystal Springs on Saturday. Daddy emu bravely led all his 8 month old chicks right in front of me. That was a hard brake.
