Friday, October 14, 2022

Sea ladies, land ladies

Tonight I heard the swans returning from their wintery, inland sojourn. It was just a few calls, it must be the early ones. Later into the second spring and then the early summer, masses of black swans call all night.

The inlet is about to break out to the sea. For weeks now, the inlet has been inching up into the bush on the north side where I live. There has been no beach to ride my tip shop bike along for months (please see previous post). I'm looking forward to riding along my personal beach, given my outlay of a five dollar bike. Anyway, here's a photo of what the beach looks like today.

The first one is of my driveway. The second is of a peppermint tree that grows on the beach about fifty metres away. Look at her, feeling out tree roots into the bush. Beyond her, a melaluca standing in the water bursts into yellow flowers.

Within a few days, I think the sandbar will break and this tide will swish out to sea, and these trees will be land ladies again. I'll keep you posted.


  1. You have beautiful water views. A full size tree in flower while surrounded by water is unique to me. Riding your new bike on the dry sand will be greatly enjoyed. How long will it take for the water to recede and for your perfect sandy bike path to reveal?

  2. Replies
    1. It's an odd, beautiful and strange place, yes Tom

  3. I'm getting to feel like I know the inlet too.
