Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Bin fire grass fire

Today on the fire tower was more anxiety than boredom. Once again it was a sched 5 and I was up there earlier than usual. Lots of tourists. High winds meant that small kids were freaking out when they got to the peak, scared of being blown off the mountain. The mesh fences to stop this occasioning didn't seem to make them feel any better. Parents talking 'face your fears' didn't help. The only thing that worked was someone taking their child's hand and talking them beyond how scared they were.

There's thunder tonight and no rain which means dry lightning across the southern forests region. Wheee!  Today I called in a smoke out Rocky Gully way. It was out of our district and there were all sorts of hectic happenings in our own but still, the spotter pilot radioed me for coordinates and passed it onto the neighbouring spotter. It turned out to be a few hectares of paddock going up. Grass fire. Must have been a decent one because I could see it from fifty kilometres away. Soon after I called it in, the radios went crazy.

On another note, Selkie was terribly happy when I returned home. She sleeps on my bed whenever I leave the house because she's a stinky, passive aggressive bitch. I returned to a house smelling of passive aggressive bitch. As soon as I turned up she headed down to the beach to retrieve the treasure she's been sniffing at all day. Turns out there's another kangaroo carcass down there.


I think what is in the photo is part of a spine and rib cage (including said dog). She's very pleased with herself. I'm really not sure what's going on at home any more.

I did find a bird's nest. Check this out:


I found it under a tree outside the local day care centre. When I brought it into work, the ranger said, 'That's the string and felt we use in the day care centre!' She has kids who go there. The nest is also threaded with parrot feathers and bits of serviettes from the cafe. This pretty much my best find all year.

Finally, these two ... just because they are pretty bloody funny:



If I don't get to post beforehand ... Happy New Year Bloggers. I just love you mob and think you are all awesome. Thanks for being around this year and ones past. I really appreciate it.

X Sarah


  1. I thought that Van Gogh was funny, but I'm not so sure about the tweet. It makes me a bit nervous... Happy New Year to you too Sarah. X

    1. Apparently we'll not get a vaccine until March, so today and yesterday are pretty much the same for us, covid-wise. Anyhoo, 2021 - bring it.

  2. I love the Van Gogh! Haha! Selkie sounds like my Ginger when she was young. We lived in the country and she was forever dragging home discarded deer carcasses she found in the woods.

    Happy New Year Sarah!

    1. Yes, what you have mentioned about Ginger reminds me of Selks, Jennifer.

  3. Selkie is hilarious. Passive aggressive eh. I'd out something on the bed she didn't like stepping on - like a huge sheet of plastic. That's sort her out maybe.

    Good analysis of 2020-21. I'm continually confused as to why people seem to think the new year is going to be any different. And why the hell they all want to 'get back to normal'. Normal is so dysfunctional. Nuts.

  4. 2021 won't be different. See my reply to Tom. I feel we have lost the opp to change things radically, from the new norm. It makes me feel quite sad. There it was ... laid out in front of us.

    1. I agree Sarah. I was very hopeful that things would start to change. But hold onto your hat - the astrology is very interesting and bodes well for a big shift in 2 years, which seems an interminable length of time to someone like me who has been wanting to move away from consumerism and neo-capitalism for so long.

      But as they say it's like an ocean liner and will take a long time to turn around. The current system has been in control in a serious way for the last 200 years which was essentially the start of the industrial revolution, manufacturing and consumerism. According to the planets the patriarchal order is on notice and I think the move to Biden and away from Trump is a very good sign of that. Now if we could only send this message to this mob of right-wing pricks in Canberra I'd be even more hopeful.
