Friday, January 1, 2021


 This is my 4th (5th?) day of work in another 10 day stint and today I was in the office on radio support. New Year's Eve was a quiet night, watching some streaming stuff and going to bed early. This morning I turned up to find the digital clock we use to record smoke reports had stopped.

'OMG! Y2K2D!' I yelled, to nobody in particular as the office was deserted. I don't think anyone would've got my joke anyway, had they been there. But then the internets turned on and the the Bureau of Meterology site loaded. I realised that world hadn't been infected with a deci-millennial bug after all. The digital clock just needed a new battery.

So ... I printed out the weather reports, checked which campers were where in the national parks and then settled in to a quiet, low fire danger day. Rain is a beautiful thing.

Invoices came through and I duly printed them out but when I went to date stamp them, well, there was no 2021 on the stamp. Obviously those people who make the stamps that stamp the date, had made the date stamps to date until the 31st of December 2020. After that apparently, there are no more invoices to stamp. Ever again. Is this a sign? Are analogue stamp manufacturers and digital clocks agin me? So yeah, only halfway through another marathon stint and my thinking is already batshit crazy. Stay tuned for when I head up the mountain again on Monday. Until then, I'll be in the office all weekend pondering conspiracy theories about Y2K.


  1. A lot of people made money from the first scare. Sadly I was not one, though I didn't spend any on remedial geeks.

    1. I don't think I even used a computer back then. Crazy.

  2. Where's the office Sarah? Must be more fun up the tower but must also be good to have the work.

    1. The office is in town. Yeah, not as much fun but still pretty interesting work.

  3. Oh, perhaps 2021 has just been cancelled? I'm keeping off the news so I haven't heard. Happy days ahead, anyways!

    1. I think only sourdough culture has been cancelled?

  4. Belated wishes for a great 2021,Sarah :)
